August 9, 2020
Being a follower of Jesus means becoming a student of Jesus. In other words it takes some effort. One area that takes effort currently is practicing the spiritual discipline of kindness.
August 9, 2020
Being a follower of Jesus means becoming a student of Jesus. In other words it takes some effort. One area that takes effort currently is practicing the spiritual discipline of kindness.
July 26, 2020
This is the same problem that Jesus had with the Pharisees. They were so concerned with the law that they failed to see that people were more important than the law. The Pharisees weren’t wrong about their information. They were wrong about God. They were wrong about God’s love for people.
July 19, 2020
If we aren’t careful grace can become little more than a get-out-of-hell free card. Grace involves rejection and a new standard.
July 12, 2020
Some people just want to burn a church down. Others are on a slow burn walking away from the church. Maybe in the middle of all this the church needs to remember and live out the new story we already knew.
July 5, 2020
We have had to embrace new things like working from home, video chats and social distancing. What if we also embraced those around us and made our backyards into pockets of good news?
June 28, 2020
Abraham, like you and I, must have wondered if God keeps his promises as he endeavored to faithfully seek God. The God we seek is far removed from the idols and systems that ask us to sacrifice our own humanity, and that of others, at their false altars.
June 14, 2020
Race is a complex issue full of joy, pain, confusion, anger and love. The Bible offers us some things to consider, as well as some things to say no to when it comes to race.
June 6, 2020
The simple truth is . . . darkness can’t stay when the light is on. Light is always more powerful. If you are tired of the darkness then find the light source and turn it on.